IGER, the first of its kind in the region, will provide a national and global perspective through the provision of information, the facilitation of international contacts, and research that is relevant to current events and the interests of local companies.
More specifically, the Institute will:
- Develop a database to assist institutions with establishing and developing global business contacts / relationships
- Provide semi- annual global and national economic forecasts for the community that are tailored to meet regional needs
- Provide custom and high quality training/ workshops for executives using the most relevant, and up-to-date information and data available
- Accommodate the growing trade inter-dependence between Southern California and the Pacific Rim countries through expertise and research
As IGER develops, it will maintain a close connection to regional industry in an effort to keep its activities relevant as the information and data needs of local companies change and evolve.
Developing Global Leadership in the Region
Using its close connection to industry, the Institute will also educate and train the future leadership of the region. CI students and the community will have an opportunity to enhance their global awareness and leadership skills – competencies highly relevant to companies of all sizes and industries.
IGER will link industry to the classroom through experiential learning and practical education. Undergraduate and graduate courses will be offered that cover current events and economic forecasting and they will be patterned after existing economic research departments at major corporations. Economic reports will be produced by students including U.S. economic and financial forecasts and country reports for some of the Pacific- Rim nations.
Student learning outcomes will include an understanding of the following:
- How business economists practice within corporate environments.
- How to construct economic forecasts.
- The interaction of various sectors of the global economy and its importance.
- The organization of economic information and its use within industry.
The current national economic and financial crisis has reinforced the importance of understanding the global economy and using this information for better business decision-making. Graduates with this type of knowledge and skill will become effective industry leaders.